Memories That Haunt

Memories That Haunt

One day while reading the epistles of Paul he said, “I have wronged no man.” in 2nd Corinthians 7:2. Had to stop him right there and ask, “Paul, how can you say that? Seriously now. You stoned Steven in Acts 7. I would call that wronging the man, wouldn’t you?” But he was so convinced in what was said, there had to be more to his thinking than I was understanding.
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Finding Your Hallelujah in the Midst of a Storm

Finding Your Hallelujah in the Midst of a Storm

Like waves battering the shore line from late fall gales, the enemy launched an assault, wave after wave, against the people of faith. Slowly eroding their confidence, and testimony to the point where only distant memories exist of the faithfulness of God and His miraculous works. Neither hot not cold, lukewarm zeal filled their lives as they long for the days past, of His great power; yet fear silenced prayers, and discouragement blurs all thoughts. Saints find themselves overwhelmed, exhausted, and miserable as a continual cycle of discouragement, regrets, and the weight of failure haunts their every waking moment. (Rev. 3:14-22 TPT) Continue reading Finding Your Hallelujah in the Midst of a Storm