Choose Life – Kelly Schut

Do you see Him? Do you know Him? He walks among the 7 golden lamp stands dressed in a robe that reaches down to His feet. A golden sash across his chest and His face and hair are as wool, white as snow. Eyes like a blazing fire and His feet like glowing bronze wrought in a furnace. His voice thunders like the sound of many rivers.

I know this King – I see this King! He drew me from many waters and rescued me from myself. He walks with me and talks with me. He purchased my citizenship and placed it in heaven where I will rule and reign with Him in the ages to come.

He is a real King with a real Kingdom. Today He sets before us LIFE – DEATH – BLESSINGS – CURSINGS and I say to you CHOOSE LIFE.

Multitudes are in the valley of decision wavering between the kingdom of this world and the Kingdom of Heaven. Even as sweet water and bitter water do not flow from the same well, neither should this wavering be.

Choose life and seal your citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven. Today is the day, today is your day. Tomorrow is not promised. CHOOSE LIFE.

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