Rescue Me Quickly..

Ps 31 I trust you Lord to be my hiding place. Don’t let me down. Don’t let my enemies bring me to shame. Come and rescue me, for you are the only God who always does what is right. Rescue me quickly when I cry out to you. At the sound of my prayer may your ear be turned to me. Be my strong shelter and hiding place on high. Pull me into victory and breakthrough.

As I cried out to the Lord for still another need in my life He said, “I didn’t see your need when it arose, and you were aware it existed. I didn’t even see your need when you were born again and entered My Kingdom. Nor did I see it when you were born from your mother’s womb.

Before the foundations of the world were established and time began, it was then I seen your need. A book was written of your life’s journey with each detail established with microsecond detail. It was then I saw your need and provided for it. Nothing was missed or forgotten, no circumstance too small or great, everyone planned and provided with great detail. You are My Chosen ONE!”

I watched in amazement as he flipped the pages of my biography, written by the Master Potter Himself and noticed some blank pages here and there. “Lord”, I asked, “Why are there blank pages in my journey?” and He replied…” Those are times of bad choices and darkness in your life which were repented of and cast into the sea of forgiveness. Only the covering of White Purity remains on those days.”

I cried and cried and then Rejoiced, and then cried some more at the amazing wonders of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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