Following the Rock into the Future

The following are notes from a Zoom Bible study, May 7th 2020

We are in a season of shaking. Hebrews 12:25-29 TPT Make very sure that you never refuse to listen to God when he speaks! For the God who spoke on earth from Sinai is the same God who now speaks from heaven. Those who heard Him speak His living word on earth found nowhere to hide, so what chance is there for us to escape if we turn our backs on God and refuse to hear His warnings as He speaks from heaven?

The earth was rocked at the sound of His voice from the mountain, but now He has promised, “Once and for all I will not only shake the systems of the world, but also the unseen powers in the heavenly realm!” 

Now this phrase “once and for all” clearly indicates the final removal of things that are shaking, that is, the old order, so only what is unshakable will remain. Since we are receiving our rights to an unshakable kingdom, we should be extremely thankful, and offer God the purest worship that delights His heart as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender, filled with awe, “For our God is a holy, devouring fire!”

1 Peter 4:17 says, For the time is ripe for judgement to begin in God’s own household. And if it starts with us, what will be the fate of those who refuse to obey the gospel of God? And, If the righteous are barely saved, what will become of the wicked and godless.”

In 2 Corinthians 4:18 scripture tells us to look at what is not seen and reminds that what we do see is temporary. He is eternal and His plans lead to eternal results. We can’t navigate forward on assumptions, nor can we listen to the false prophets on the news telling us “nothing will be the same – this is the NEW” which is only a ploy causing Americans to give up their civil liberates and rights, especially in the area of the church. 

It is amazing that within one week the enemy was able to shut down literally every church in our nation. That is just crazy. We are seeing the financial system in a complete overhaul, and the great wealth transfer is finally happening, Sports gods have fallen, Hollywood has fallen, tv series cancelled, America has lost their Gods. 

We also are in a season of sheltering , spoken of in Psalms 91, a season of putting oil in our lamps like in Matthew 25, a season of hiding as in Isaiah 26:20. The months preceding the shut down the Lord prepared us for what was coming, so it would not a surprise. 

We have 3 areas are coming against us at once. 

World – 

In the natural the world is on lock down and releasing mirids of false news that only through prayer and listening can be discerned. 

In the spiritual realm God is judging systems controlled by powers and principalities 

Flesh – how it relates to pressure in this time as it is being crucified with Christ so His divine power can flow through us in a greater measure. 

Devil – a door was opened by the church giving him access into our lives and the lives of those around us

How did the enemy gain this foothold? Through us. Our sins and our turning away from God, opened a door for this plague, for abortion, for prayer in school, among other things. It was the evil one, using us, coming through open doors we have created. 


In July Holy Spirit prompted me to post Psalms 91. Daily we put them on the DCC FB page to remind us all His faithful protection over us. Psalms 91 is interesting, and another one of those chapters we focus on what we want to hear and breeze over what is “not comfortable” to us. Let us review its content

He is a refuge

Delivers us

He is a shield

He firmly promises no evil will come near you and if it even tries angels which have been assigned will cause them to fall in their own traps

However, there is a reason we need a refuge, to be delivered, a shield, and a promise of evils being thwarted. 

The enemy is setting traps for us which we are unable to discern

Night and day, we are / could be surrounded by something causing people to fall by the thousands both spiritually and in the natural

Pestilence and plagues are moving in dark places and they are not done yet

Deadly curses will be coming at us – ones we have only heard of in other 3rd world countries, but doors have been opened for their movement here

Oct 5th of last year we did a study in discernment at the Thursday night meetings. Knowing truth from fake news is essential in the days ahead, but also knowing if we are hearing God or flesh is just as important. 

The Christmas Tea the focus was based around a letter to the church of Laodicea in Rev 3:14 and restoring our first love. Jesus challenged the church to come into relationship on a greater level and leave the world of lukewarm, even to the point of, get in the boat or get left behind. He said, “I am standing at the door, knocking, will you let me in?” From here we brought the ladies to Song of Solomon 4 and 5. Without going through the whole message, the focus was on the fact that up to chapter 5, the Bridegroom and Bride had entered a deep, meaningful relationship with each other. In Chapter 5 the bride “sleeps”, like the 10 virgins in Matt 25. The Bridegroom comes to the door of the sleeping bride, knocking, desiring entry.

Arise my Love, open your heart, my darling, deeper still to me. Will you receive me this dark night? There is no one else but you, my friend, my equal. I need you this night to arise and come be with me. You are my pure, loyal dove, a perfect partner for me. My flawless one, will you arise? For my heaviness and tears are more than I can bear. I have spent myself for you throughout the dark night, (in the garden of Gethsemane). 

The Bride responds with, “I have already laid aside my own garments for you. How could I take them up again since I have yielded my righteousness to yours? You have cleansed my life and taken me so far. Isn’t that enough? My beloved reached into me to unlock my heart. The core of my very being trembled at His touch. How my soul melted when He spoke to me! My spirit arouses to open for more of His touch.

He is removing the chaff from the wheat in our lives, and then will move on to the nations. (Some of which has already began) 

At the end of December, the Lord gave us 2 prophetic words of “warning” so we could Pass Over into Promise 

Holiness and a set apart life on the inside – Fear and trembling on the outside

The Lord of Hosts has asked me to present this question to you today. “I know the thoughts and intents of your heart and am fully aware of your actions. The time has come to cleanse ourselves from all abuse of the flesh and spirit, and begin perfecting holiness in the fear of God”

Together let’s make a mental note of all we have done over the past 4 weeks, all of it. Our thoughts / spoken words / images we have allowed / intentions of our hearts Let’s gather them together and place them at the altar. The Lord desires to weight them in balances there.  

Some of you might be getting images in your mind right now of things done, or said, over the past weeks you would not want placed in his balances. Things you are not proud of. Just know the Lord our God is gracious and merciful. Slow to anger and has great compassion toward us.

Holy Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty who is, who was, and who is to come shortly, with his measuring instrument in his hands.

A few days later, while preparing for our yearly New Year’s Eve gathering with friends, He spoke these words also and said to make a declaration over those at the gathering that night, and then to take communion. 

December 31, 2019

The Lord says, I am drawing a line of demarcation to create a boundary of separation between the past and the present. I will establish a line between righteousness and worldliness so that some things you used to do, say, or think will no longer be allowed and now will even be contrary to your thinking, and if allowed, will stunt your spiritual growth. I am calling you out of your closet and from under your bed into the light.

Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawn. So, we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes; and once and for all time we must clothe ourselves with the radiance of light…   Romans 13:12

A route has opened for us to walk on leading into our future. This is a time to advance and not retreat; to move forward and not give any ground to the enemy. Time to rise up and walk in the potential you were created for. A time to become a force to recon with as His power begins to strategically operate in and through you.

An enemy has come in your camp and wreaked havoc on your life causing the trauma of the past year and season to literally freeze you in place, which has stopping your movement forward, and it needs to be broken off.

We pray in the mighty name of Jesus our Lord and break off you the fear of failure and business failures, we bind wounded expectations and command them to be soothed with the balm of Gilead.

We break bondage’s to alcohol and drugs, Sexual addictions and pornography off your back and beg you to stand firm in the faith, having been set free from these, that you no longer walk in them. Give them no place in your life.

Do not take vain imaginations into this new year. Bring them into captivity to the living word of God and cast them down. Seek His plans and will for this life and commit yourself to a pure and simple life.

We break off generational issues and curses carried from generation to generation and command them to stop at your blood line. Any promises from previous generations unfulfilled the Lord is hastening to complete. Call forth

Physical and mental health issues must bow their knee to our covenant sealed in the blood of the Lord Jesus. He has provided for us healing and we speak complete wholeness into every life.

We cut off strife and discontentment in your marriage or home and speak peace where chaos once ruled.

Backbiting, sarcasm, and bitterness toward others born from our own insecurities must be brought into submission. Let a spirit of love fill your hearts and minds towards others and especially toward yourself. Receive emotional healing in Jesus name.

Depression you must lose your grip over the people reading this today. You will no longer grasp their minds and hearts. The light of the Lord Jesus Christ will fill your hearts and minds pushing back the darkness that has tried to control these areas.

Broken hearts be healed from the trauma you have endured and strengthened by His mercies and grace.

Then in January at the Women’s Bible studies, telling you ladies, you are missing out if you are not attending our meetings, we studied being Crucified with Christ, allowing His power and purpose to live through us. Like the Bride in Song of Solomon, he wants more of us, not just the parts we want to give, He wants all. 

No matter what happens over the next few weeks, months, and years, it is essential we remain calm. In fact, that is the number one rule of survival preppers – stay calm. This is not the end, only the beginning of sorrows for the world. However, this is the beginning of severe tribulation on the corrupt ruling powers. We are not yet in a season where Jesus comes to take us home, but rather a time when He is judging evil rule. For us, this is the beginning of the Kingdom age when the church will learn about how their King and Kingdom are coming together. Think – seek first the Kingdom. 

Mario Murillo recently said, “God will give you courage you never imagined. God will give you wisdom from beyond this world. God is looking for someone just like you to transform this dark situation. Its your turn to do what hero of faith have done down through the ages.

400 years the Israelite’s were in Egypt, with the later years being in great oppression and bondage, not only to Egypt, but religious thoughts and actions. The Lord God said, ” I have heard your cries due to the delay of your promises, and desire to bring you into the land of. It is a good land, a land of promise and flowing with provision. He says, I have seen firsthand the oppression of the enemy on your soul, households, family, and dreams. When you come out, it will not be empty handed. You will possess the fruit of what you have sown, which for years the enemy has stolen from you. You will plunder your enemy along your journey as you are released.” 

At the appointed time for release, and there is always an appointed time, (Exodus 4:19) God told Moses to go set them free. 

Ties with the past must be cut off to move forward. Un-holy alliances and generational curses from years of capacity drain us from the God life flow and give legal ground to the enemy. When they wandered in the wilderness the things that held them back were their downfall. 

We have to remove the passivity which says, “if God wants to do “something” He will do it” This is a time for active faith. We must advance, renounce the fear, confront the giants, and possess the harvest in the land before us.  This is done by separating ourselves from the noise of the world, the whining of the flesh, and false Prophets in the church and their fortune cookie prophecies. 

Prophetic words have been given to examine ourselves – judgement in the house of God has begun. Some have become like Jonah, who when asked to take a stand refused. When the men around him discovered he was the cause of the storm when they prayed to their own god, were quick to throw him overboard. We have an obligation as Christians to those who are not, to hold back evil. The men said, “How dare you endanger us by being out of the will of God?”

You cannot change the past, but you can choose to move forward, and seize the moment. Will you seize the moment? Each of us must answer for themselves, no one else can do that for you. It is impossible to move forward without a plan. Will we choose to press in like the parable Jesus presents in Luke of the woman Luke 18

They reached the river. Across it was Jericho and the surrounding nations, which were in fear of their God. They heard of the miracles and plagues in Egypt, how God substantiated them in the wilderness, even to the point of food falling from heaven and water pouring from rocks. These peoples seen them at the banks of the river preparing to cross over into the land. They trembled when it was told of how a wall of water stood up at each end, allowing them access. It was the time of the HARVEST – Jordan over flowed its banks all through the harvest. 

As they crossed the Jordan, they stood on the rocks, but then those rocks became then weighty promises, revelations, and truths. What we stood on became what was going to be revealed to future generations. The promises, the spoken words, all put into action. They needed to be positioned as truth before the real shaking starts and this is the strategy, He has chosen for it to happen. 

On the other side lay new territories with increased spheres of authority. Joshua 1:3-9 will come, with boundaries, but also privileges. Everywhere the soul of your feet touches will be a place of effectiveness and there you will have protection, but also like the post, we are all not in the same boat. It applies here – we will not all experience the same. Some of you are saying to yourself, “what in the world is she talking about?” others, “I am so ready for this.” Do not worry about either, just move forward where He has you positioned. 

We are at War.

2nd Chronicles 7:13-14 Whenever I hold back the rain or send locusts to eat up the crops or send an epidemic on my people, if they pray to me and turn away from the evil they have been doing, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and make their land prosperous again.

Psalms 4:8 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone Lord make me dwell in safety.

Or mental state must be like Philippians 4:6-7 – do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplications, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

Isaiah 41:10 says do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand. 

1 Chronicles 7:14 says, those who are called by My Name” have we been ashamed to be called His? to share Him, to walk in the power He has placed within us? Do we stand for the truth? Abortion? Sacred Marriage? Only one way to God? This is how we opened the door to the enemy in this season. 

Persistence in prayer for the long haul, not quitting when we do not get an immediate answer because He enjoys our process, which brings maturity of character, and spiritual insight. The journey is just as important as the destination. 

Romans 5:1-5 / 8:26-30 and Heb 6:11-12

God says, oh ya, darkness may be covering the earth and gross darkness the people, but My Glory is coming. My people who are called by My name are rising with great exploits. I will lead them out, my great army (Is 45). It is the hour of greater works. The Glory Is Coming. (Warning this comes with great warning also)

What is coming? This is the season of Joel 2:12-19 and 21:32 great conflict is coming both in the spirit and in the natural. He has prepared us for this season, and we are ready.

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