Measure the Temple

When I was young my g-pa and I would work on different projects requiring a measuring tape, which he never seemed to have, so the “old” way of doing things was – the foot. He would walk off the area and magically come up with a measurement using just his feet. I never could figure out how that was accurate, I mean if we had used my feet, which were substantially smaller than his, or even my mom’s, landing somewhere where in between, either way the measurement would be different. But he always insisted it was right, and who argues with grandpa? 

On 12/29/2019, a Sunday morning, the Lord imparted this word and asked me to “measure” the sanctuary. Concerned everyone there that morning would think I had totally “lost it”, the story of my grandpa also had to be told. Still not sure they understood, but so it is with some prophetic acts. They can remain a mystery until the appointed time. 

Measure the temple and the altar – also those who worship in it – (Prophetic Act – walking around the sanctuary saying, “I am placing a plumb line in the midst of my people.”)

Holiness and a set apart life on the inside – Fear and trembling on the outside

The Lord of Hosts has asked me to present this question to you today. “I know the thoughts and intents of your heart and am fully aware of your actions. The time has come to cleanse ourselves from all abuse of the flesh and spirit, and begin perfecting holiness in the fear of God”

Together let’s make a mental note of all we have done over the past 4 weeks, all of it. Our thoughts / spoken words / images we have allowed / intentions of our hearts Let’s gather them together and place them at the altar. The Lord desires to weight them in balances there.  

Some of you might be getting images in your mind right now of things done, or said, over the past weeks you would not want placed in his balances. Things you are not proud of. Just know the Lord our God is gracious and merciful. Slow to anger and has great compassion toward us.

Holy Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty who is, who was, and who is to come shortly, with his measuring instrument in his hands.

A few days later, while preparing for our yearly New Year’s Eve gathering with friends, He spoke these words also, and said to make a declaration over those at the gathering that night, and then take communion. 

December 31, 2019

The Lord says, I am drawing a line of demarcation to create a boundary of separation between the past and the present. I will establish a line between righteousness and worldliness so that some things you used to do, say, or think will no longer be allowed and now will even be contrary to your thinking, and if allowed, will stunt your spiritual growth. I am calling you out of your closet and from under your bed into the light.

Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawn. So, we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes; and once and for all time we must clothe ourselves with the radiance of light…   Romans 13:12

A route has opened for us to walk on leading into our future. This is a time to advance and not retreat; to move forward and not give any ground to the enemy. Time to rise up and walk in the potential you were created for.

A time to become a force to be reckoned with as His power begins to strategically operate in and through you.

An enemy has come in your camp and wreaked havoc on your life causing the trauma of the past year and season to literally freeze you in place, which has stopping your movement forward, and it needs to be broken off.

We pray in the mighty name of Jesus our Lord and break off you the fear of failure and business failures, we bind wounded expectations and command them to be soothed with the balm of Gilead.

We break bondages to alcohol and drugs, Sexual addictions and pornography off your back and beg you to stand firm in the faith, having been set free from these, that you no longer walk in them. Give them no place in your life.

Do not take vain imaginations into this new year. Bring them into captivity to the living word of God and cast them down. Seek His plans and will for this life and commit yourself to a pure and simple life.

We break off generational issues and curses carried from generation to generation and command them to stop at your blood line. Any promises from previous generations unfulfilled the Lord is hastening to complete. Call forth

Physical and mental health issues must bow their knee to our covenant sealed in the blood of the Lord Jesus. He has provided for us healing and we speak complete wholeness into every life.

We cut off strife and discontentment in your marriage or home and speak peace where chaos once ruled. 

Backbiting, sarcasm and bitterness toward others born from our own insecurities must be brought into submission. Let a spirit of love fill your hearts and minds towards others and especially toward yourself. Receive emotional healing in Jesus name.

Depression you must lose your grip over the people reading this today. You will no longer grasp their minds and hearts. The light of the Lord Jesus Christ will fill your hearts and minds pushing back the darkness that has tried to control these areas.

Broken hearts be healed from the trauma you have endured and strengthened by His mercies and grace.


We pray as you walk into 2020, you do so with hearts wide open to heavenly things, and that you no longer gaze on the things of this world, which are passing away. Keep I John 2:15-17 before your eyes,

“Don’t set the affections of your heart on this world, or in loving the things of the world. The love of the Father and the love of the world are incompatible. For all that the world can offer us-the gratification of our flesh, the allurement of the things of the world, and the obsession with status and importance-none of these things come from the Father but from the world. This world and its desires are in the process of passing away, but those who love to do the will of God live forever.”

3 thoughts on “Measure the Temple

    1. Sometimes moving with what God is speaking can be real challenging, especially in a word like this one, however, obedient I must be. Thank you for the encouragement.

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